Kuppaimeni ilai / Indian Nettle Dried Leaves [Raw]


Brand : Nanjil Herbs

  • Botanical Name           –     Acalypha Paniculata
  • English Name               –      Indian nettle Dried Leaves/ Indian Acalypha Dried Leaf
  • Tamil Name                   –     Kupaimeni ilai / குப்பைமேனி
  • Malayalam Name        –     Kuppikhokhali / കുപ്പി,കുപ്പിഖോഖലി
  • Telugu Name                –     kuppi Chettu / కుప్పి చెట్టు
  • Hindi Name                   –      Khokla/ खोकला
SKU: N/A Category:


About Kuppaimeni :

Kuppaimeni is also called by different names as அரிமஞ்சரி, பூனைவணங்கி, குப்பி, மார்ஜலமோகினி.It is a medicinal herb. This annual plant is found in countries like India and Sri Lanka. All parts of the plant are medically used.

Benefits of Kuppaimeni Ilai :

  • Traditionally kuppaimeni is used to get rid of unwanted hair growth, for treating skin problems like pimples, to get rid of cough and cold, to treat intestinal worms.
  • Used to treat poisoning, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, nausea, asthma, worms, arthritis and headaches. Sprinkle the leaves, a little turmeric and salt on the body and take a bath for a while to cure all skin diseases.
  • Make a paste of the Kuppaimeni leaves and add a common salt to it, then apply on the itches.
  • The leaf juice, when mixed with cumin powder and turmeric, acts as a very good medicine for cold.

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