Sphaeranthus amaranthoides Burm belongs to the family Asteraceae is a rejuvenator herb of Siddha system having Tamil name Sivakaranthai
Frequently asked questions
1. Is Sivakaranthai and Kottai Karanthai are same ?
No. Both are different herbs.
2. This is Sivakaranthai powder or kottai karanthai powder ?
This is pure sivakaranthai powder.
3. How to find the difference between Sivakaranthai powder and Kottai karanthai powder?
If you smell both powders, Sivakaranthai powder have good fragrance.
4. Any preservatives or artifical color added in this powder?
No. This is 100 % pure sivakaranthai powder.
5. This Sivakaranthai herb was dried in shadow or sunlight?
Saranya G –
I was searching pure sivakaranthai podi and purchased from here. Best product!